Introduction to Authentic Movement: March 23rd! Moving Your Metamorphosis: April, 2025! Visit my events page or contact me for more.

Somatic Leadership in Tucson

Soulful Leadership

Imagine success, as defined by quantities, going hand-in-hand with processes that are fully human: embodied, meaningful, and connective. My services for leaders combine peak performance psychology and somatic psychology to support soulful, successful leaders who dream beyond profit and outcomes that benefit a few at the expense of many. The triple bottom line becomes the quadruple bottom line when the leader’s full and unique personhood is present. Let’s discover your new bottom line, together.

Somatic Leadership in Tucson

Did you feel that?

Soulful leaders define success not only by outcomes, but also by yours and your teams’ felt experiences along the way. How you and your teams achieve benchmarks and goals matters: When we know how to listen to all aspects of our intelligence, workplaces become playgrounds for human growth, fulfilling relationships, and days that feel energizing versus depleting.

Somatic Coaching and Mindfulness in Tucson

What’s Here For You

Somatic Coaching

If you’re stable and successful in some areas, but feel “there’s something more,” you’re in the right place. Perhaps you’ve done a lot of healing work and you’re ready for the next level of transformation. Maybe you’re managing well enough, but you’ve been through something that’s set you back in terms of living the life you want to live or being the person you know you are. You may know yourself to be a creative person, but your creativity’s blocked. Somatic coaching may be exactly what you need. I look forward to discussing how I can best support you!

Somatic Mindfulness Program

You are ready to focus on how to direct your attention in ways that lead to joy, equanimity, aliveness, productivity, connectedness, creativity, and wholeness. My 12-week somatic mindfulness program is rooted in the research on resilience and body-mind wellbeing. I developed this model as a natural evolution of over two decades of my personal somatic mindfulness practice and work as a somatic psychotherapist.

Studying the relationship between attention patterns and mental well-being, I wanted this body of knowledge to start benefiting people in an immediate, practical way. A key feature of this work is kind, curious awareness and mindfulness seated in the body.

My model is a 12-week process of one-on-one, sequential sessions designed to help motivated individuals take the gains you have made in psychotherapy (or elsewhere) to a place of greater vitality and vibrance. Somatic Mindfulness Coaching can also be a great compliment to current work with a psychotherapist. Through the development of specific attentional skills and practices linked to resilience, this model bolsters your ability to direct your attention toward what nurtures both wellbeing and performance. If you’re ready to move from surviving into thriving, this is for you.

Soulful Learning for Organizations

Contact me about experiential learning opportunities for your team or organization. After learning about your organization’s mission, vision, values, goals and your specific reasons for hiring a facilitator, I’ll design an experiential process tailored to your group’s needs. Contact me today.

Somatic Leadership in Tucson

About Me

Having served in leadership roles in public health and nonprofit settings, I have worked to nurture self-awareness within work environments that value authenticity and humanity as well as successful outcomes.

I attained a Masters of Somatic Counseling Psychology degree from Naropa University in 2006. The buddhist university brought together everything I knew about what helps humans expand beyond the limits of our conditioning. As such, I became a leader who values the role of self-awareness and authenticity in work settings.

I have facilitated successful education and change processes for fellow colleagues, staff members, groups of parents, community members and groups of patients in residential care. Many have articulated their surprise at the direct, immediate value of inward reflection and somatic awareness to their work life, sense of purpose, and connection with one another.

In 2021, I was ordained as a Buddhist Dharmacharini. I continue to pursue my own development through artistic disciplines, ongoing professional education, and inspired relationships.



Leslie’s kindness, her genuineness, and her penetrating attention combine with decades of experience to make her in-person workshops and groups, as well as her online offerings, delightful as well as rife with immediately usable skills. I can’t think of a finer person to study with in order to cultivate my personal and professional embodied being (and doing!) in the world.

Christine Caldwell

PhD, LPC, BC-DMT, Author, Bodyfulness

I have had the privilege of working closely with Leslie McCormick for several years now, and I can confidently say that her dedication to her profession and her clients is truly remarkable! Her ability to connect with clients creates a safe and supportive environment for self-discovery.

One of the most inspiring aspects of Leslie’s work is her dedication to continuing education. She consistently seeks out opportunities to expand her knowledge and skills, staying up-to-date with the latest developments in her field.

I am grateful to have the opportunity to collaborate with her!

Carrie “Kiki” King

LPC, LMFT, Tucson, AZ

I connected with my body, mind, and soul in ways I have never been able to realize… I somehow feel more ‘whole’. I am moving forward with a larger sense of self and the space I inhabit.

Leslie created a safe environment that allowed everyone to express themselves without judgement. She was able to draw out those of us more hesitant to be more vulnerable to the point where what once felt so intimidating felt so natural, good, and freeing! It was a profoundly beautiful experience.

Trudy W.

Let's Connect

Tucson Somatic Psychotherapy and Arts is home to dynamic, holistic transformational work. Whether you’re looking to heal, grow, thrive, or simply rest into your authentic self, the seeds of what’s possible are in you. I look forward to working with you to tend them.

Get In Touch